Joel y Jennifer

"Professionals in Network Marketing" "Educadores en Redes de Mercadeo"

Sunday, August 30, 2009

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Friday, August 28, 2009

How do you live your life? Day by Day or do you Plan your days?

I have noticed that with the busy lifestyle people have today they do not take time see where there life is heading. People just live life like a boat in the ocean with no destiny. Many people in today’s society prefer to live their life day by day and there are few people who actually sit down and plan their day.
According to experts it is said that in order for a person to be successful in life they must learn how to plan their day. The advantage of planning your day is that it allows you to reach the goals you determine yourself on a daily basis. On the other hand people who live their life on a day to day basis will never be able to reach their dreams.

By: Joel Rivera

2. ¿Cómo vives tu Vida?, ¿Día y Día o la planificas?

Me he dado cuenta que las personas con las situaciones diarios que enfrentan en la vida no se dan tiempo para planificar hacia donde se están dirigiendo. Simplemente dejan que la corriente los lleve como un barco a la deriva. Muchas personas prefieren vivir el día a día y son pocos los que planifican su vida.

Los expertos dicen que para una persona tener éxito en la vida debe planificar su día. El planificar su día le permitirá realizar las metas puestas en su vida. Sin embargo las personas que viven día a día viven la vida sin rumbo y nunca alcanzan sus metas.

Por: Joel Rivera

Do you think your Social Secuirty will give you for Retirement?

Have you ever sat down and thought if what you were going to receive from Social Security was going to be enough for your retirement? Many people don’t think of tomorrow they simply are living the moment. The reality is that if you are thinking of retiring and are only depending on the Social Security to retire you are in a big trouble.
Social Security was not made for retirement. We have already begun hearing for a while that the Social Security fund is in deficit. Now think about this, if social security is currently in deficit, how is it going to be when the remainder of the Baby Boomers begin to retire?

By: Jennifer Rivera

Thursday, August 27, 2009

¿Piensas que el seguro social es suficiente para su Retiro?

¿Alguna vez te has puesto a pensar si con lo que vas a recibir del seguro social te va a dar para poder vivir tu vejez? Muchas personas no piensan en el día de mañana simplemente están viviendo el momento. La realidad es que si usted está pensando en retirarse y solamente depender del seguro social para vivir esta en un grave error.
El seguro social no está hecho para el retiro. Ya venimos escuchando hace un tiempo que el seguro social está en déficit. Ahora piense usted si desde ahora está en déficit ¿Cómo va estar cuando el restante de los baby boomers comiencen a retirarse?

Por: Jennifer Rivera

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